Ahoy, squirts! Quint here. First thing's first: I done fucked up yesterday. I ran a BTS picture from Hellraiser II featuring director Tony Randel, which would have been all well and good if I wasn't a dumbass and credit it as being from the first Hellraiser film and saying that Randel was actually Clive Barker. Please, horror hounds, forgive the egregious error.
With that correction out of the way, let's move on to today's picture, shall we?
I took a very close look at this one to make sure it wasn't from James and the Giant Peach or something since I'm on a roll with the mistakes, but I'm pretty sure I got this one right. Today we take a look at a pretty cool pic snapped during the making of Henry Selick's The Nightmare Before Christmas, a film which has grown into something of a phenomenon in the last 23 years. Having just been to Mickey's Not-So-Scary Halloween Party at Disney World you can't escape the imagery and music from this film around this time of year.
It's everywhere and that makes me super happy.
The below image isn't crisp and perfect, but that's what I love about it. You get the sense of the scale of the stop motion sets and the semi-controlled chaos when filming a project like this. Hope you enjoy!

While technically horror, tomorrow's pic still fits into our current Halloween/monster theme. Mostly.
-Eric Vespe
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