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Margot Robbie Is The Last Woman On Earth! Trailer for Z FOR ZACHARIAH hits!!

Craig Zobel’s Z FOR ZACHARIAH got killer reviews out of Sundance this past January, and this trailer sells the post-apocalyptic shenanigans quite nicely. The premise seems like a serious spin on THE LAST MAN ON EARTH, with Robbie living on her own before getting two companions dropped into her life. Of course, it seems that these characters have the gumption to do what Phil Miller (or Tandy) never quite had the guts to do, which makes for a good, tense setup. Sorta DEAD CALM in the farmland.


It’s crazy to see Margot Robbie all dialed down, appearance wise, but it’s also great to see her in a role that doesn’t require her to be hyper-sexualized. If she were the last woman on earth and you found her, it’s not like you’d need her to pout in a tight dress and heels to get your attention, right? I know what her co-leads (Chiwetel Ejiofor and Chris Pine) are capable of, but I’m excited to see her as this character before she rocks Harley Quinn’s attitude and tight outfits in SUICIDE SQUAD next year.


I’m thinking there’s much more going on here that we’re not being made privy to, and I like that quite a bit. Looking forward to this one.


Z FOR ZACHARIAH dodges the rads on August 21st.


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