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SNAKES ON A PLANE.... brilliant'

Hey folks, Harry here... now it isn't often that there is a script logline that jumps out at me as being something I can't wait to see... but today over at Variety they covered the script sale by John Heffernan called SNAKES ON A PLANE... here's what they had to say...

``Snakes'' is a thriller in which a ruthless assassin releases a crate filled with lethal snakes aboard a packed commercial airliner high above the Pacific Ocean. Paramount will handle distribution duties.

As someone that travels on Airplanes far too often... this particular concept scares the shit out of me. Now... thinking logically and right off the top of my head... the immediate question is... Can you take a box of live poisoness snakes on a plane with you as carry on? and if so... WHY IS THIS NOT ILLEGAL AS FUCK? I mean, dear God. Just the thought... Now, when I fly, I instantly pull my little sleeping blindfold on... place earplugs in place... get me pillow, aim the air thingees and conk out... would I be safe? I mean, the snakes don't by still unmoving people do they? I mean... what sort of evil bastard is this John Heffernan to put this notion in my head. I don't want to think on my next intercontinental flight that there might be some sort of poisoness viper slithering two seats behind me, thinking.... "Hmmm... I'll bite that redheaded fat fuck!"

I mean... in the tradition of SSSSSSS and RATTLERS.... and AIRPORT and CONCORD... I mean, this could be like really horribly scary. I can just feel an entire audience screaming and squirming while the snakes start at the back of the plane and head for first class... spooky baby spooky

Where's Rikki Tikki Tavi when ya need him?

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