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Who is Michael Bowman' And why does he rule the world'

Every now and again a jewel is found in film. Someone different, someone that has success that everyone says... "That's refreshing!"

I love these types of stories. Local boy makes good. Geek conquers the day! That type of thing, and it really pisses me off when I see someone with talent... never get in the front door.

Today, I'm talking about Michael Bowman. You've seen him in the ME, MYSELF AND IRENE trailers. Or... if you haven't, he's the Albino gentleman in the picture below...

In the Farrelly's upcoming Fox Summer film, Michael Bowman just about steals the show as an iconic character called... simply... Whitey. For the last third or so of the film, his presence is... omnipotent, he's not just some ordinary run-of-the-mill albino like that guy in FOUL PLAY, Michael is funny and creepy... not because he looks different, but because he has genuine timing and screen presence. I mean... Sheeshus... he's playing opposite Jim Carrey and Renee Zellweger and doing more than holding his own.

Currently, the man can't find an agent worth a shit, because noone has seen his role yet, he has no history, but man oh man... This is the right guy to take a chance on.

Now I know, you're saying... Harry... he must be a friend of yours. Nope, never met the guy nor have I even spoken with him. He sent me an email after my review thanking me for my comments and saying how he hopes he can get an agent out of the film.

Personally, this guy needs it immediately, because when the time comes... he's going to be flooded with Commercial gigs, bit parts, supporting things... and personally, I think he's a great character for an ongoing television series. Now... I can hear ya... "Harry, there just are not parts for Albinos in HOLLYWOOD."

Man... that sounds wierd... Boy, you're too white for film. Actually, you are wrong. Right now... at this very moment there is a big film called THE RECKONING being developed over at FOX with the logline of:

Traveling through Utah, a father and daughter encounter a cult of inbred albino Satanists who want the daughter to fulfill their leader's demonic destiny.

See... Right there... Great role for Michael Bowman to shine in. I tell ya, I can see it in him... he's got that Satanist stare... that homicidal maniac aura to him. Why... after ME, MYSELF AND IRENE... he'll be the poster boy for GOT MILK. You'll see.

As for all you agents out there looking for the next thing... get in touch with Michael... ya never know...

Click here to Go To Michael Bowman's very own website where he's trying to help his movie to succeed. You rock Michael!

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