Ahoy, squirts! Quint here. If you're like me you've anxiously awaited word on the rumored HOBO WITH A SHOTGUN feature... it's okay if you don't know what I'm talking about. For those who didn't get caught up in the fake exploitation trailer craze surrounding GRINDHOUSE, there was a contest held which encouraged people to make their own Grindhouse trailers.
Jason Eisener's HOBO WITH A SHOTGUN was the winner and he deserved it. If you've delved into '70s exploitation at all you'll feel the trailer was a chip off the old, funky block. Here it is if you missed it:
Ever since he won the Grindhouse trailer competition there was talk of a feature version of HOBO WITH A SHOTGUN and now it's finally happening.
I originally got a tip-off from a spy named "Jehan Quadi" that HOBO WITH A SHOTGUN was filming in Halifax and that Eisener had cast a certain known actor as the Hobo. So I decided to test the waters and see if I could get a confirmation. That I did, from Eisener himself.
Not only does the movie begin shooting Monday, but we know for sure who has been cast as the Hobo. Unfortunately, the original Hobo, Dave Brunt, will not be returning in the role. However they found a hell of a great replacement. Filling the sole-flapping shoes and carrying the 12 gauge will be the man, the myth, the fuckin' legend... Mr. Rutger Hauer!

Like I said, perfect casting, right? I hope he incorporates the insane gravely voice that Brunt gave the character in the trailer in some way.
Don't feel too bad for Brunt, though. He'll also be making an appearance in the film as a cop... and if I had to guess, he'll probably be a crooked one that ends up at the business end of the Hobo's shotgun!
Ya' heard it here! What are your thoughts?
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