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MY NAME IS BRUCE One-Sheet Splashes Online!

Hey folks, Harry here... I'm not ashamed to say - I have an unhealthy obsession with Bruce Campbell. I completely can't get enough of the mighty Bruce. I love his loving arrogance - the way he swaggers - the way he drawls his words - and most of all... I love his smart ass. That said - the following poster and trailer do absolutely nothing new for me. Yup, before I saw them, I was obsessed with seeing this movie - and after I saw em, I was obsessed with seeing this movie. So basically... I'm obsessed with seeing this movie. I do think it is fairly awesome to see actors like Bruce Campbell and Jean Claude Van Damme making movies (MY NAME IS BRUCE & JCVD) where they play themselves as characters in a film faced with a "real life" stereotypical Bruce Campbell / Van Damme situation facing them... minus stuntmen and the "fakery" of visual effects. This just looks like a blast!

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