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George Michael and Michael Bluth reunited on Jason Reitman's JUNO!!!

Ahoy, squirts! Quint here. Jason Reitman's THANK YOU FOR SMOKING was great and I'm looking forward to seeing his sophomore effort, JUNO, starring Ellen Page as a high school girl who gets knocked up. Michael Cera plays her best friend and father of her child. Allison Janney just came on board the film with Jason Bateman. Bateman will play the husband of Jennifer Garner's character, a couple who are interested in adopting the child. Janney is Page's step-mother. So, yes... that effectively reunites Michael Cera and Jason Bateman... in a completely different kind of situation. I love a good coming of age story and Reitman has cast this one terrifically so far. Can't wait to hear more about it!

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