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Movie News

Ace And Gary On The Bigscreen'!

Hi, everyone. "Moriarty" here with some Rumblings From The Lab...

Good god... if this is true, it sounds totally deranged, and it’s also one of the craziest things I’ve heard of Universal doing.

From Planet Out Entertainment News; they were doing an interview with Amy Sedaris and Stephen Colbert about the "Strangers with Candy" movie and the reviewer asked:

PlanetOut: Stephen -- you are the voice of Ace in "The Ambiguously Gay Duo." What's up with that? I haven't seen it on "SNL" lately.

Stephen: We're making a movie version of it for Universal, actually. We still do it for "SNL," but only about once a year. But yeah, the movie is a go.


I don’t even know how you’d cut a green-banded trailer for that film. The cartoon was so unrelentingly filthy and funny that I’m curious to see it, but skeptical all the same...

"Moriarty" out.

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