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A Completely Insane Review Of LEXX, Season 4!!

Hey, everyone. "Moriarty" here with some Rumblings From The Lab.

This is a very strange show, and this is a very strange review.

Fitting, no?

Why No Lexx reviews? The fourth season has begun here above the 48’Th parralell and I can’t believe there have been no Eager Beavers from the land of Ice Skates and Igloos sending in their thoughts. With that in mind you can call me (The Newf), seeing as how I’m writing from Newfoundland.

I guess the honor falls to me to chronicle the latest adventures of the biggest baddest bug in the two universes and its crew. We’ve already hit the third Episode up here, so I’ll give a short rundown of what’s happened so far and how things are shaping up.

Writing reviews for the Lexx isn’t the easiest thing in the world because it lies outside the realm of normal criticism, hell it lies outside the realm of anything Normal. The thoughts running through your head aren’t “This is Good” or “That is Bad” they are more likely to be “What the fuck?” With that in mind lets get started, I’ll try to keep the Spoilers to a minimum.

LEXX 4.01

Newfoundland Brings the LEXX to Earth.

Nestled as I am in the bosom of the frigid North Atlantic, it warmed my heart to have Newfoundland be the first scene of the new season. We pick up where the previous season left off. With the LEXX headed for our little blue planet. Aboard are everyone’s favourite Security Guard/Captain, Robot Head/Necrophilliac, Love Slave/Cluster Lizard, and Dead Guy/Janeway first season Voyager.

A twelve-year-old Boy is strapped to a wall 100 feet above a concrete floor in an underground bunker. This is when you know your watching LEXX. Its one of those WTF moments. As to why he’s there you’ll have to watch to find out. In the same scene we also see that Prince is back, or is it really Prince.

Americans are funny. That’s the best possible spin I can put on it. I was looking forward to the cast of the LEXX having to interact with Earth on a realistic basis. I thought that would be the crux of the new season. To actually see them walking around in real locations. But alas that is soon blown out the water, when we see the President and earths first contact with an alien “civilization”.

From then on you just buy into the premise or you bail out. Were presented with the world or more accurately America as seen through the fractured kaleidoscope eyes of the LEXX universe. Like how the ATF is the most powerful organization in America, it is kind of strange to have an entire branch of Law Enforcement to police things that are all legal. An agency in the show powerful enough to get a Hitman to take out the Lexx.

I was hoping for something different by hoping for something normal. But this is LEXX and if I wanted something normal I wouldn’t be watching it. Sort of a mixed recommendation but a must see to any Lexx Fan.

LEXX 4.02

Mars may need Women but B-3K needs Men

I don’t really have the typical fanboy elastic memory, so maybe some of these events happened in the first episode. But I’m trying to keep things straight in my mind. Firstly the LEXX needs food and it goes for a nice light snack that would make Sting spin in his grave. Whether if that happened in the first episode or not I’m not clear on.

I didn’t mention any performances in my first review, because Tweedle acts like Tweedle, Xev like Xev, Kye like Kye and 7-90 like 7-90, which is nice. They are the only straight line running through the perpetual weirdness of the show. They are true to form though, Xev like any normal Love Slave/Cluster Lizard wants to get laid and Kye comes along for the ride. Which prompts their first excursion to the service.

Texas is full of gun toting good ole boys, trying to save themselves from the sins of the flesh. Maybe all of them aren’t trying to save themselves which leads to a disagreement between Xevs fiancé and his animal call buddies. Kye has troubles of his own as the leftovers from Heavens Gate have caught their falling star and want a ride off of Mother Earth.

One thing I will mention is that I’m pretty sure a vocal coach wasn’t hired to perfect the Texas accent. Or as my brother so eloquently put it “In the future everyone will be from Cape Breton” Which is only funny to other Canadians. But by now reality has been thrown out the window and if you’ve stuck around this long you’ve been enjoying the show for what it its.

Personally I’m still left with a little mediocre taste in my mouth. If you ain’t gonna play it real then make it weirder and weirder, I keep getting a more of the same feel to the show. LEXX is sort of a good way to clear the cob webs. There aint a lot of new shows to judge it against so perhaps I focusing to closely. I mean its nice to watch a week of regular TV with all its predictable plots and cardboard characters and then tune into LEXX to see how weird something can be if you're truly free to do whatever the hell you want.

I’ve watched LEXX from the beginning and was hoping for something a little more. But the third episode had a nice treat and in for a penny in for a pound so why not keep watching

LEXX 4.03

Used Panties, Red Dwarf and an Adolescent Killing Spree

Xevs on her way to the Big House, Stans on the Big Wall with the 12 year old and Kye is out to find them both. What good is a Robot Head who’s in love with you? Well he can find your friends and give humanity the miracle of interstellar travel.

Chicks in jail are hot. In Texas when you go to jail, an oddly familiar woman gives you a new pair of panties before your first group shower. At least in the “Lexxas” she does. Ahh the simple pleasure of Nudity, I’m not sure if the new Trek series will press the boundaries of sexuality as much as the LEXX totally ignores them. But Xev manges to keep hidden for the most part.

Dave Lister wants you to write dirty letters and then give him your used panties for a new pair. Why? Because Craig Charles of Red Dwarf plays the warden of a women’s prison who is hit on a brilliant money making scheme. Its then you realize that the oddly familiar woman is Holly the female hologram of Red Dwarf. But his scheme is nothing compared to what his Daughter has cooked up.

Guns don’t kill people, 12-year-old sociopaths with Guns Kill people. There are two ways to get the key, Kill someone or Screw it out of the person who has it. Guess which way Prince tries. But if he is prince then he’s not really alive and the key won’t accept him and the Boy will get it.

In the melee of what follows the only thing better than a Trigger Happy 12 year old killing everyone in sight is watching what Stan the man Tweedle does too him.

By now things are beginning to rock and roll, to shake and bake if you will. And I’m surprised it took me longer than usual to fall back into the heady waters of Lexx. Who knows what will come next. But more of the same from the most insane, wicked and ultimately delicious show on the boob Tube is better than most of the flotsam and jetsam floating around.

If you’ve watched the LEXX from the beginning you might be hoping for something different or you might be glad it hasn’t been corrupted by any form of sanity. And if you’ve never seen an episode before you might as well start now because you’ll understand it as much as anyone who has seen it from the beginning.

The Newf

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