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Test Screening of THE AVENGERS!!!

Remember that first test screening of THE AVENGERS in Pheonix, Arizona? It didn't go that well did it? If you remember there was something like 9 people out of 10 hated the film. The really disliked it. HOWEVER, I believe that in all liklihood it is too 'strange' for most people. However, the coolness factor might win out for those that remember what it was to see Diana Rigg in that outfit, people that love things that were not quite right. This is what Hallenbeck is hoping, and this is what I'm hoping. Not for a movie that everyone loves, but for a movie that, that one in ten love. Perhaps this is that movie and perhaps it's for you...

my name is Johnny Redherring and I just saw the first test screening of The Avengers in San Diego, CA. So here's my review:

I had never been to a test screening before so I was excited about this new experience. Me and my Dad got there an hour early and stood in line for about thirty minutes. When we were finally hearded in like cattle with went through a security check through where these guys wanded us with their metal detection shit. These guys were total assholes like they got off wanding people. When we got in the theater we had to wait yet another hour as they filled every seat in the theater. So then a woman comes and annoucnes the movie we will be seeing.


A movie I knew I really wanted to see this summer. It stars Ralph Fiennes, Uma Thurman, and the man, Sean Connery. The woman tells us the front titles aren't complete, so they were gonna be blurry, and she said the music wasn't all complete. Finally, she started the damn movie.


The movie has a great opening which introduces us to Emma Peel (Uma Thurman in leather clad!) In the opening Uma really kicks some ass which is great. So then titles start and the titles were really cool even though they were blurry. One thing I would love to comment on is the music. The music was killer and I am proud to say Michael Kamen did the score. It was like nothing I had ever heard before from Kamen which proves how innovative he is. When the titles end we meet the other main character John Steede, played marvelously by Ralph Fiennes, who finally in a movie that isn't depressing! It was fucking amazing that Ralph Fiennes was in a light hearted role. I was amazed. Later in the movie we meet the third major role, the villain Sir August de Winter, played by Sean Connery. When we first see him in the movie I was reminded of James Bond because he was so suave. But I must say Connery plays an edgey and funny villian.

The plot: Well, it's not all that great and very simple to follow, but the movie isn't about how great the plot is, it's all about fun. I'd have to say the movie is a combination of James Bondish flaire and 60's camp.

The music: In this test screening they borrowed music from other Warner Bros. movies, but the music for the title sequence and one other scene is new territory for composer Michael Kamen and I think people will love it.

The acting: Great chemistry between Uma and Ralph. They were great to together and I had fun because they looked like they were having fun. Connery is good as the bad guy, but not great. I wish there could have been more scenes with Connery. I wanted more Connery! There is this great scene where Connery is in a full Scotish getup, kilt and all!

The pace: I'll just say it was little slow, but the chemistry between Uma and Ralph made up for it.

The effects: I loved the effects and they didn't get in the way. It's NO Jurassic Park though.

The action sequences were really great and I was highly entertained. There are a few sword fights that are great in the movie also.

The movie also has humor I was surprised by. It kind of reminded me of Shakespeare because of all the sexual inuendos. I loved almost everything in this movie except a few scenes that were a little confusing.

The Avengers as a whole I thought was the excellent. Most people thought it sucked though. I guess most of the public isn't ready for 60's camp to come back though. The things I loved the most through, were the chemistry between Uma and Ralph, the production design, and the cinematography. The production design was great. Whoever was the costume and set designer deserves an OSCAR already.

Is the public ready for The Avengers? I don't think everyone is, but I know the movie will find an audience. When the lights came up I felt good, but most of the people said boring and god that sucked! I was amazed at how much people hated it! Well, whatever! Opinions are like assholes, everybody's got one.

One thing that will definately happen is that they are going to have to re-cut this one. I hope they don't fuck it up though.


Signing OFF! Johnny Redherring.

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