Last night was a busy night. The first known screenings of MEET JOE BLACK, ARMAGEDDON and GODZILLA. On each film I have received a small amount of mail. The smallest has been in regards to the Godzilla screening that occurred in L.A. Strange, that's where my spies usually cover it best. Well, one of my guys forwarded me the following review. Meaning the person who wrote this didn't send it to me, but one of my people forwarded it. To say this is a good review is... um a massive understatement. I realllllly want to believe this review, but until I get some follow up reviews, take it as one screaming maniac. Now if we soon have a cacophony of screaming maniacs... well, then we have a humongous film on our hands. I've been a major supporter of Emmerich and Devlin's since Stargate, and yeah I can still say I love ID4. Will I love GODZILLA, well keep your eyes on my review page over the next two weeks. The one thing this 'review' will do is make everyone instantly comparing GODZILLA to films like the Indys and Jurassic Park, etc. But for it to be better than TWISTER... well that ain't no hard task at all. Folks this may be one hell of a ride, let's hold on till we hear more... This is just one voice... if you have seen the film in it's entirety please write. We geeks are dying to hear from you. There are more screenings over the next 6 days, we will learn more...
Here’s my take-------->
I just came from a screening of GODZILLA.
Hey Gang, you have NEVER seen ANYTHING like this on the movie screen before !
This makes Twister, All the Jurassic Parks, Indiana Jones etc look like kindergarden stuff.
Never,,,,,,,,I repeat, NEVER have I seen a movie that equals this production. I am a nit picker and I could say that the plot is weak, that the music didn’t fit, that the effects were seamy and matted etc, BUT I can’t. . . . this is the movie that puts it all together. I know I sound like a press agent. No, I’m just a little old theatre owner that has this picture booked in starting the 20th of May. This is a $10 ticket movie -- easy. But as a theatre owner, I am just going to sit back and watch a very pleased and happy movie going crowd laugh, applaud, and scream. Just like in the old days.
This movie spares nothing. There is not one roll miscast. I don’t know the projected budget but it has to be into the very big numbers - - - - and it shows it.
At 2 hours and 16 minutes -- it moves much faster than TITANTIC. When you think the movie is over and you believe that the credits are going to roll --- don’t even move ‘cause it isn’t over. And then when you think it is over again --- it ain’t. Thirty minutes later ---you can leave.
Every scene is detailed in such completeness. The special effects are unbelievable and massive in number.
My only complaint --- down with the volume at least 2 points. BUT--- I haven’t heard surround sound like this in years --- if ever.
Now the big question - - will it be greater than Titantic ? I don’t think so because it doesn’t have a pretty boy lead. Godzilla has a repeat factor, I believe, of 2 +. But it could open bigger than the ship pix based on 3 day weekend vs 3 day weekend. (Remember it opens on a Wednesday with late Tuesday special showing.) Plus it will be on 3000 plus screens. But, I bet, It will be on screens through Thanksgiving -- easy.
Gang, this is the best all around, most complete movie I have ever seen. No one thing - plot, effects, music, acting etc. 'is outstanding' but put it all together and this is one heck of an outstanding movie.
It will be the classic by which all the "next" movies will be judged!
Rated PG13, it might be a little intense (scary) for the under 10 set.
Just a little low key report that I thought you might be interested in.