Hey, everyone. "Moriarty" here with some Rumblings From The Lab.
Thank you very much, Dr. Grant. Now does anyone have a question.
Nearly every hand goes up. Grant doesn't seem surprised.
Does anyone have a question that doesn't relate to Jurassic Park?
Quite a few hands go down.
That's right, kids. If you want to get a look at the first 19 pages of JURASSIC PARK III, written by Peter Buchman (revisions by Alexander Payne & Jim Taylor, revisions by Peter Buchman, revisions by John August, revisions by Peter Buchman), then RUN! RUN NOW WHILE THEY'RE STILL THERE!!
It's pretty cool stuff, and there's a major spoiler, I think, that will become important later in the film that I didn't know about yet. It involves discoveries made about raptor speech, some of which are in the new trailer, and a device created to simulate raptor speech. Without reading the rest of the script, I'm going to predict that thing makes a reappearance at just the right moment...
Anyway, thanks to HawaaiMovieTour.com for posting the pages. Best of luck to them once Universal finds out.
"Moriarty" out.