Ain't It Cool News (


October 16, 2001.

I am – Hercules!!

Fox Home Video may change this date just to make a liar out of me, but this date comes from my HIGHLY HIGHLY reliable spy who wishes even his pseudonym to go unnamed. This spy has a long track record with me. He hasn’t steered me wrong yet. I know where he lives.

As rumored, “Phantom Menace” will be a two-disc set, part of Fox’s five-star collector’s series. As rumored, it will feature two versions of the film, one of which will be stripped of special effects. It will feature extra footage, trailers and a 6.1 soundtrack.

But wait! There’s more important news!

The current plan at Fox is to release the first DVD version of “Star Wars” in fourth-quarter (Oct.-Dec.) 2002, the first DVD version of “The Empire Strikes Back” in fourth-quarter 2003, and the first DVD version of “Return of the Jedi” in fourth quarter 2004.

I warn you not to defy me!

I am – Hercules!!

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