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Chhhh - chhh - chhh - chhh - haaa - haaaa - haaa - haaa - chhh - chhh - chhh - chhh - haaaa - haaa - haaa - haaa 10

Hey folks, Harry here with Uncapie (Noted Talk Backer and famed flamer of fools) and his look at JASON X, as I'm sure you surmised by the title of this article! We've had a lot of looks so far at JASON X... even such AICN notables like Moriarty, Flmlvr and Guy Incognito... but this time out we have an expert of low-budget Horror. A survivor of the vaunted world of Roger Corman... having worked and assisted on some of the greats, the mysterious Uncapie. This is a genre he knows from the inside out and here's what he has to say about it!!!!

Just saw "Jason X" and its pretty good! Now, I kind of lost faith in the series a long time ago, but, this movie does the series justice and completes the "Jason" legacy. It has a new twist as it takes place in the year 2455 AD aboard the spaceship, "Grendle".

I went to the film expecting a typical slasher flick, and it does have elements of "10 Little Indians" along with the storylines from Howard Hawks', "The Thing", "Aliens" and a very cool O. Henry ending. Yes, you will have a feeling of "déjà vu", that you've seen it all before and you have, but just kick back and enjoy the popcorn. The acting is good. The stand outs are the Space Marine sergeant and the lead heroine. The story is probable and the CGI effects are well done. Kane Hodder is impressive as ever and you could tell he worked out for this film. He's not big, he's HUGE! I was watching this guy on screen and man, even I got the shivers! Kane Hodder's next role should be as a mean assed sheriff because he's got the look of cop you just don't want to mess with!

There are some chuckles of dark humor and I won't give away the details, but you'll have a few good laughs. There are some creative ways how Jason disposes of his victims. But, that's Jason. That's to be expected. The action sequences are fairly well paced. The cinematography is well shot. The opening title music is dynamically dark and very gothic sounding. Jason's trademark, "Chhhh-chhhh-chhhh-haaaaa-haaaa-haaaa" is used effectively and not overdone as it was in the past.

The overall feel of the movie reminded me of Roger Corman's, "Galaxy Of Terror". Not a great movie, but not a bad one either. Entertaining is the best way to describe it. That's "Jason X" in a nutshell. Its worth $8.50 to see on opening night with a bunch of "Jason" fans. Considering, "Jason X" was shot in Canada, using unknown actors in the leads, sans Kane, and on a tight budget, they did a good job with what they had to work with.

One sequence I can point out, is when Jason is chasing after our heroes and breaks through an airlock with his prized machete in hand. One of the crew members cries out, "What the hell is that?!" Our beautiful heroine screams, "ITS JASON "FUCKING" VOORHEES!" Pretty much brought the house down with that one. Hope you'll enjoy it as much as I did.


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