Hunter S Thompson Rages About the Handling of the film version of RUM DIARY!
Published at: Feb. 20, 2001, 10:27 p.m. CST by staff
Hey folks, Harry here... Now I happen to fall into the category of Hunter S
Thompson worshippers... My friend and pal, Mark Ebner... better known as a
shock jock from the syndicated show, Drastic Radio on The Comedy World Radio
Network (ComedyWorld.Com)." Well, Mark knowing my undying love of rare Hunter S Thompson writings sent me the following, CONFIRMED BY MARK, letter by Hunter to Holly Sorenson, a development executive at The Shooting Gallery. Now you've seen my rages and flames on this site for years, but folks... what you are about to see is a creator pissed off and firing with all the keys of a manual typewriter. Here you can feel the raw frustration that Hunter has at a project that he is proud of, that he has contacted and gotten the interest of several of the coolest actors in the world... yet languishes in the deep pit of development hell. Many authors remain calm and quiet... fearful of losing their position in the world, but Hunter is a man with brass balls and a helluva way with words. In addition, I'd just like to chime in that as a fan of this book and the actors in question... I'd love to see this film move forward. With Depp being freed up from CONFESSIONS OF A DANGEROUS MIND (another great travesty of justice) he's free to do something like this. And having Depp possibly exploring the further worlds of Hunter... well... delicious. Here's the letter... ENJOY....