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Exclusive: Check out these rare BTS stills from THE LOST BOYS!

Ahoy, squirts! Quint here. We're bringing back the Behind the Scenes Pic of the Day... well, for one day. I'm not quite ready to shoulder the daily responsibility of that beast again (still refilling the BTS image coffers), but one of the benefits of doing that sucker occasionally is that every once in a while people send me really cool never before seen BTS shots. In this case it's tied to an upcoming making of book that sounds really frickin' awesome...



Yep, Paul Davis (@kesslerboy on Twitter) is at it again. He did a neat making of An American Werewolf in London book a while back and now he's tackling Joel Schumacher's THE LOST BOYS. The book will be filled with interviews and insight into the making of this movie as well as a bunch of rare BTS shots. Three of which he graciously offered me to post.

Below you'll see some shots from the making of the big finale fight between Kiefer Sutherland's David and Jason Patric's David. My favorite is the one where Sutherland's taking a smoke break... while still hanging upside down. Check 'em out:





Lost in the Shadows: The Story of The Lost Boys ships in August and if you jump on the pre-order right now you can get your copy autographed by Davis. There's only a couple hundred left that will come autographed, so if you're a die hard Lost Boys fan jump on that shit! You can pre-order it exclusively at!

A quick aside: I grew up in the Bay Area (I moved to Austin when I was 12) and had two local theme parks I'd hit regularly. One was Great America (the one featured in the very forgettable Beverly Hills Cop 3) and the other was the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk... which was one of the prime locations for The Lost Boys. I didn't see them filming the movie there, but I did go there a lot in this time period, so every time I watch the movie I get a little dose of childhood memory with it.

Anyway, thanks to Paul Davis for giving me these images to run here. Make sure to scoop up a copy of his cool-looking book!

-Eric Vespe
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