Ahoy, squirts! Quint here. Michael Dougherty doing Godzilla 2 is one of my favorite big franchise change-up moves in a long time. The dude has constantly proven his talent with writing characters and directing some fun, dark material. He's a great left-field choice for Godzilla 2.
So far he's assembled a really interesting cast including Kyle Chandler, Vera Farmiga, Millie Bobby Brown, Charles Dance and Sally Hawkins. And now he's added another great personality to the mix:
Everyone welcome @MrRandyHavens to @MonarchSciences. @GodzillaMovie
— Mike Dougherty (@Mike_Dougherty) May 24, 2017
Randy Havens very memorably played Mr. Clarke, the cool-ass teacher in Stranger Things.

This marks the second Stranger Things casting, with Eleven herself (Brown) supposedly playing one of the leading characters.
Havens is a great character actor and I'm super excited to see what he ends up doing in Dougherty's KING OF THE MONSTERS. Dougherty's tweet makes it sound like he'll be working with Monarch, but here's hoping he and Big Green get a little screentime together.
-Eric Vespe
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