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Margot Robbie to play a 1930s bank robber in DREAMLAND!


Ahoy, squirts! Quint here. We've got another Cannes Market-related venture to talk about. The usual reminders apply here: you're going to see a lot of movies with big star and/or director attachments announced leading up to Cannes, where they will try to build their budgets using foreign presales (ie getting money by making distribution deals in all the world's territories). Some of these movies are already financed and this is gravy on the top, but most depend on a successful market to actually come to fruition. So, keep in mind many of these projects you're reading about in the coming weeks might not make it to production.

I hope DREAMLAND is one that actually happens, though. The basic premise is that Margot Robbie will play an outlaw in 1930s America. Set during the devastation of the Dust Bowl, the film sees a teenage boy go on the hunt for a bank robber with a price on her head in order to save his homestead from foreclosure. Naturally, the boy finds Robbie's character and realizes she's not exactly the picture authorities painted of her.

Robbie will star and produce with a young indie director named Miles Joris-Peyrafitte (As You Are) set to direct. The script, written by Nicolaas Zwart, was a blacklist script last year.

Robbie's one of the more interesting movie stars to come up in the last few years and the idea of her as an outlaw in a period crime drama/thriller is one I can get behind. What about you?

-Eric Vespe
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