Hey folks, Harry here again... I was right about this being MAKE UP TESTS... but just so you know, this isn't Rick Baker's tests... but rather Stan Winston's tests I've been told. Which would be a shame as I feel that from the look of that Chimp make-up... the tests are some of Winston's absolute best make-up work, and is quite impressive. We will endeavor to get a peek at the Rick Baker stuff soon! Though a teaser trailer must be coming soon... dontcha think?
Folks, Harry here with a Merry Christmas to each and everyone of you... Personally I'm ecstatic over these pics... I didn't necessarily want a COMPLETE NEW VISUAL TAKE... I love this homage to the original, but with more detail, more flexibility... look at those hands! Also... look at the coloring, the Chimp design reminds me of a cross between the classic Roddy McDowell and Lon Chaney's MR WU!!!! This stuff looks great! Can't wait to see how it all comes together. Merry Christmas and ENJOY!!!

Long time fan, first time contributing (I'm just trying to give back to he,
who has given so much)... With all this talk about how the make-up's gonna
be on Planet of the Apes, I thought people might like to get a look at a
make-up test shot a few months ago. I think it's a real credit to the
make-up designers of the original movies that they really haven't been able
to improve upon those original designs too much. It's a bit more realistic,
but not all that different... Hope you like 'em...

call me Max Headroom...