Hey folks, Harry here... April Fool's Day is pretty much a whack off day on the internet if there ever was one. 20 years ago I took part doing a few made up stories... all things that I would absolutely kill to see. I mean, Guillermo Del Toro doing NIGHT OF THE DEMON... Luc Besson doing BELLE ET LA BETE.... Tarantino & Robert Rodriguez teaming to do EL SANTO VS THE AZTEC MUMMY... I mean, if you're going to fool, make people dream. That's what I love about ThinkGeek's April Fool's Day catalogue of cool. I want. And maybe if the world loves a joke hard enough, it can become real.
So in that spirit - here's some... I WISH IT WERE TRUE NEWS
Legendary Pictures produces JOHN CARPENTER'S THE DEMOLISHED MAN based upon Alfred Bester's seminal work, THE DEMOLISHED MAN. The script by Mark Protosevich is truly brilliant work. The way mark describes the psychic powers... awesome, I love LEGION too, but man, building off of Bester's novel, Mark really has outdone himself. I've heard whispers that Brian Helgeland did a big Detective polish, and I'd say with that, this project is going to be spectacular. Think of a 24th century 24. The common reality is as different from ours as 17th Century America. Not slight differences, but fundemental differences. This isn't like BLADE RUNNER, which is essentially teched out Film Noir, this is that, but with even better characters. Carpenter has been handed the keys to the kingdom with this project. Can't Wait!
Sigh... I wish...
Actually now I'm depressed. Just the hurt in my gut that none of that is true. So wrong. OH - but remember that missing scene from JURASSIC PARK that I clickbaited your sorry asses with? Totally not clickbait - and also totally for really reals! Check this out:
Wistful smile. Yeah, JURASSIC PARK needed that sequence. And the one where Tim breaks down crying trying to stop the assholes from killing the T-REX. To me, these two - and the Aviary sequence... I NEEDED IT IN THE MOVIE. Always felt that way.
How about you do your favorite, I WISH IT WERE TRUE MOVIE NEWS story?
Keep it cool,