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There have been stranger Cable/Deadpool 2 casting rumors than this one, but this one's pretty neat!


Ahoy, squirts! Quint here. Alright, so the Who Is Going To Play Cable In Deadpool 2? rumor mill keeps on churning. We've had everybody from Stephen Lang to Pierce Brosnan to Russell Crowe rumored or hinted at by the creative team surrounding the movie. Now a new name has been thrown into a mix, courtesy of The Wrap:



David Harbour. You know, Sheriff Hopper from Stranger Things and about a dozen other quality TV and Film performances. I gotta say, I can see it.

Now, The Wrap doesn't say Harbour has the role or is even in negotiations for it. What they do say is he's screen tested, which is somewhere between “meeting for the role” and signing on the dotted line.

The bigger takeaway is, if they're accurate on this one, then the part isn't cast yet. The studio is still looking. I met Harbour a couple months ago and he's a bigger guy than you'd imagine him being. He has the height and I'm sure he could pack on the superhero physique if he's got a little time to prepare.

Cable's an interesting foil for Deadpool and would be played a little more seriously (presumably closer in tone to how they used Colossus in the first film). Harbour's a good actor. I don't know if I instantly picture him in this part, though he does have the capacity to surprise.

I still think the best guy was the first actor rumored: Stephen Lang. Go watch his turns in Avatar and Don't Breathe and tell me you don't want to see him rocking a cyborg arm and a big-ass gun.

If the studio is screen testing that means we'll probably know who nabbed the role sooner than later. I hope so, because I just want them to hurry up and make this damn sequel already!

-Eric Vespe
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