Ahoy, squirts! Quint here. Looks like Logan won't only be Hugh Jackman's X-film swan song, but also Sir Patrick Stewart's as well. The reasoning behind it is actually pretty sweet and filled with emotion.
EW reported on a quote from Stewart at a big Q&A for Sirius Radio that explains his thinking about retiring from the character of Charles Xavier:
“A week ago, Friday night in Berlin, the three of us sat, watching the movie,” said Stewart. “And I was so moved by it, much more moved than I had been the first time of seeing it. Maybe it was the company of these two guys (Hugh Jackman and James Mangold), but the movie ended and — this is an admission — but at one point [Hugh] reached out, and he took my hand in those last few minutes, and I saw him go [mimes wiping a tear from his eye] like this, and then I realized I had just done the same thing. Then, the movie ended… and we were going to be taken up on stage, but not until the credits were over. So, we had some time to sit there and, as I sat there I realized there will never be a better, a more perfect, a more sensitive, emotional, and beautiful way of saying au revoir to Charles Xavier than this movie. So, I told [Hugh] that same evening, ‘I’m done too. It’s all over.'”
As someone who has seen and loves the movie (read my light on spoilers review here) I totally understand why these two want to go out on a high note.
Since the film takes place in 2029 there was some talk about maybe getting Jackman back in a story before the events of Logan, and I suppose with enough money anything is possible, but I gotta say I like them ending with Logan. It's a fitting final film for Jackman in that role and the same can be said about Stewart. After playing Professor X as the world's most powerful mind suffering from dementia, I don't know how he could step back into the regular old character again.
Anyway, thanks for your service, Sir Patrick. You made a lot of geeks very happy over the last couple of decades with your turn as this character.
-Eric Vespe
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