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The Lego Batman director gets to dive back into the DC Universe with NIGHTWING!


Ahoy, squirts! Quint here. THR is reporting that the Lego Batman director Chris McKay will be sticking with the DC Universe, but stepping into live action for his next outing.

He will be directing a NIGHTWING film from a script by The Accountant's Bill Dubuque. Comic fans know Nightwing is the grown up Dick Grayson, the original Robin. When he aged out of the Boy Wonder title he took on his own persona to fight crime while Batman kept cycling through other Robins.

This is an interesting move for the live action DC Universe, one connected to Batman but not having to hit the same iconography we've seen a dozen times already. I'm not sure how McKay will fare with a big budget live action flick, but he did pretty good with the animated one and seems to understand the source material better than most people who work with these characters, so I'm holding out some hope.

What do you folks think?

-Eric Vespe
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