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UPDATED! Jason Blum, David Gordon Green and Danny McBride to resurrect John Carpenter's HALLOWEEN!!!


UPDATE: Danny McBride talked to CinemaBlend this morning and commented on the placement of this Halloween film from him and David Gordon Green. Most importantly he said it's NOT a remake, but will be a sequel using the first two films as a jumping off point. That doesn't mean he'll ignore everything that came after (though they probably should. Stupid runes ruined everything), but that it'll very much be in the tone of those first two films. This one's sounding better and better.

Original story below:


Ahoy, squirts! Quint here. The most bizarre news hit yesterday and it's something that has stuck in the back of my mind since I first heard it and I've decided that Danny McBride and David Gordon Green making a Halloween movie for Jason Blum is just crazy enough it might work.

Comedy and horror have had close ties as storytelling tools since the first person gathered around a cave fire to share a tale. The timing is similar, the point is to go extreme to elicit a laugh or a jump. I imagine with Blumhouse behind this remake McBride and Green aren't making some kind of Abbott & Costello Meet Michael Myers and we're getting something that will be really scary.



John Carpenter himself has signed off on the project and even said in a statement he's considering providing the score as well.

It doesn't take much for Carpenter to give a thumbs up. I saw him speak at DragonCon a long time ago and he was very blunt about being proud of his original work and if people want to keep pumping out remakes and sequels then that's fine by him because he'll get a big fat check every time they do and his movies will always be there.

But you can tell that he seems pretty psyched about this attempt, stating "They get it. They blew me away." That's the key, getting what makes Myers work. It's the big screw up of the Rob Zombie movies. Whether you love them or hate them, he did something different with Michael and stripped him of the faceless Boogeyman he was in that original movie.

The original films did the same thing in the sequels, tying Myers to Laurie in a way that was a bit soap opera-ish. It still worked better than White Trash backstory Michael Myers, but this series at its core is about the unstoppable march of a mysterious, expressionless death.

So, I'm hopeful that McBride, Green and Blum have the right vision for this one. It's an interesting time with folks in comedy branching out into genre. Seth Rogen is producing Preacher, Jordan Peele has a straight up horror movie coming out soon and now we have Danny McBride co-writing a Halloween remake with David Gordon Green. I'm pretty psyched about this one, you guys. What do you think?

-Eric Vespe
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