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The Belko Experiment gets a new trailer!

Ahoy, squirts! Quint here. I'm really, really, really looking forward to The Belko Experiment. Darkly comedic thrillers are just my kind of cinema weirdness, especially when it comes from the mind of James Gunn who gave us some legit insane shit before he mixed his sauce with Marvel and gave us Guardians of the Galaxy.

Gunn wrote this messed up story about a nightmarish office scenario (well, slightly more nightmarish than your typical nightmarish office scenario anyway) and Wolf Creek's Greg McLean directed it with a hell of a cast of character actors including Tony Goldwyn, John C. McGinley, Josh Brener, Sean Gunn and Michael Rooker.

The new trailer is short and to the point. More trailers should be like this:



The flick opens March 17th. Bring it on!

-Eric Vespe
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