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Movie News

THE DARK NIGHT trailer tells the story of that Aurora Movie Theater shooting...

Hey folks, Harry here...   The Aurora Movie Theater Massacre upon the release of THE DARK KNIGHT, has spawned a film titled THE DARK NIGHT, which will follow 6 new actors - one of the six is the shooter, the rest... well, we'll have to say, but it sounds like they're folks in the theater - and this film follows them on one fateful day.   This shooting was something that I've been terrified was going to happen over the last 20 years - with more and more mass shootings, it was a matter of time that a tragedy would strike a movie going audience.    12 died and 70 injured.  Horrifying.  I kinda loathe that the film has one of the main characters being based upon James Holmes, as I believe that would be his fondest dream, and frankly...  FUCK HIS DREAMS.   He's a nightmare.  Sorry, those that make our world less safe, less innocent....  I get why they become fascinating characters to portray, I just hate that it is done within their lifetimes to witness and hear about.   


This is playing at Sundance, then will have a slow rollout beginning in NY & LA before spreading...  It's directed by Tim Sutton, who directed that musical drama MEMPHIS - that just didn't soar.   This trailer looks captivating.  Even though intellectually, watching this film in a theater will be an exercise in fear.   But then, more and more we live in a society of fear.  I just don't want any more movie lovers slaughtered or maimed in any way shape or form, unless it is self-inflicted make-up injuries before an appropriate horror movie.   NO REAL HURTING!   This trailer debuted at Entertainment Weekly.

Everybody stay sane & safe and...

Keep it cool,



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