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The Behind the Scenes Pic of the Day: Michael Myers on the set of John Carpenter's HALLOWEEN!

Ahoy, squirts! Quint here. I know it's the easy go-to, but I couldn't resist dedicating the Halloween edition of the BTS column to, you know... Halloween. John Carpenter's film sets the mood for me every year and I suspect it will do so until my final Halloween, which I assume will be at least 75 years from now.

There's been a really funny BTS image floating around for years of Nick Castle (the man behind the mask of the first film who would go on to direct The Last Starfighter) enjoying a Dr. Pepper while in costume. I've included it below, but that's not the main attraction today. There was another photo of Castle with his mask on holding up a can of DP that I hadn't seen before, obviously taken just before or just after the goofy one.

It's probably the coolest endorsment image that soda company ever ignored! The Shape loves him some Dr. Pepper. I would have pegged him as a Mr. Pibb guy, myself...




Happy Halloween, boils and ghouls! Thanks for keeping up with this crazy column! Stay safe, don't get murdered and come on back tomorrow for more BTS goodness!

-Eric Vespe
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