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The Behind the Scenes Pic of the Day: From the making of John Landis' AN AMERICAN WEREWOLF IN LONDON!

Ahoy, squirts! Quint here. Fantastic Fest has begun for real, so you're probably going to see this column post at wacky hours. I'll do my damndest to get a BTS pic up every day of the festival, you're just going to have to bear with me as I squeeze it in between screenings, interviews and review writing.

Today's picture is a pretty rad one from the transformation scene in John Landis' landmark horror comedy An American Werewolf In London. What's interesting about this shot is it's an alternate angle of another BTS shot, that I'm 99% sure I posted in the original BtSPotD run, with Rick Baker, John Landis and David Naughton looking directly at the camera.

This one's a side shot that is so cool that I just about want to print it out, frame it and hang it on my wall. Check it out:



Tomorrow's pic has a whale of a tale to tell ya', lads. See ya' then!

-Eric Vespe
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