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Jennifer Lawrence & Chris Pratt have SnapChat eyes on this PASSENGERS poster!

Hey folks, Harry here...  Jon Spaihts script for PASSENGERS is an incredible script - and I'm praying that Morten Tyldum is able to turn it into something unbelievably awesome...  but I'm not very concerned, because...  Tyldum is a fantastic director.  First discovered him at FANTASTIC FEST with his film HEADHUNTERS - and his Alan Turing film, THE IMITATION GAME - it was incredible... but none of that is science fiction - and our first look is this poster... let's take a peek!

Ok - so, going for that GATTACA vibe of less is more...  Morse Code for S.O.S. - but...  they're 90 years from the planet they're headed to, with no way to go back to chilling for the rest of the ride.   Instead, they have to deal.  Revealing any more would be wrong. However, if you're real curious, it's all over the place, but this is one of those legendary scripts that was too good for Hollywood.  Until finally they could see a good thing staring em right back in the face.   '

The film is coming out at Christmas, hopefully the trailer will be here shortly.   Like there's a doubt.

I just hope it has Robots in Sombreros.


Keep it cool, 



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