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The Behind the Scenes Pic of the Day: A ridiculous pic of Jean-Claude Van Damme in the Predator Suit!

Ahoy, squirts! Quint here with one more pic from Steve Johnson's archives. Speaking of...

The crowdfunding for his tell-all book about the glory days of make-up effects is in it's final hour, so now's the time if you want to reserve a copy of his big book. Click below!



You may remember a week or so back I ran a photo of Jean-Claude Van Damme underneath the skeleton frame of what was the early design for the Predator. It's well-known they axed JCVD and went in a different direction for the design, but not a whole lot of his time as the monster has been seen out there.

And when you see today's pic you'll understand why. Below is a shot of JCVD doing a kick in full red-screen Predator outfit. And it looks silly as all hell. By the way, the suit was red fabric for the “cloaked” version of the Predator. A more standard blue or greenscreen suit was deemed unusable because of the jungle surroundings.

A bullet was definitely dodged.



Thanks a ton to Steve Johnson for supplying these cool images over the last few days and congrats to him and his crew on hitting his Kickstarter goal. Tomorrow we're going to see Spielberg with a fake shark. But it's not the movie you're thinking of!

-Eric Vespe
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