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The Behind the Scenes Pic of the Day: Julie Andrews during the making of THE SOUND OF MUSIC!

Ahoy, squirts! Quint here. There's a social media meme going around right now that asks you to list your 7 favorite movies. Not the best movies you've ever seen, but the 7 you count as a favorite. I love and adore and respect the shit out of Citizen Kane, but if you put that on your favorite 7 movies list I'm just going to flat out call you a fucking liar. Who the hell puts on Citizen Kane when they need a warm, pick-me-up movie?

My personal list was pretty much informed by movies I can put on at any point, whether I'm having a good day or bad, and it'll put a smile on my face. Most on that list turned out to be musicals and of all the musicals, the one that jumped to mind first was The Sound of Music.

For some that movie is way too cloyingly sweet, but the optimistic romantic in me feels refreshed every single time I watch it. The music itself is catchy, the multiple love stories going on (whether it's the Captain and Julie Andrews or the kids falling in love with a new motherly figure) warms my heart and it's just a flat out beautifully shot movie.

There are other not so corny optimistic movies that make my list, like The Big Lebowski or Little Shop of Horrors or Jaws or Temple of Doom, but all give me that warm feeling.

Today's picture features the beautiful, elegant Julie Andrews during a costume test for Maria. This isn't one of her more famous outfits in the movie, but it's still a neat look at the making of the movie.



Make sure to come out to play with tomorrow's pic. You can dig it, I promise!

-Eric Vespe
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