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Hey folks, Harry here... and this is exactly the film I'm hoping to see with friends a week from today on the eve of BUTT-NUMB-A-THON!!!! I hope this is how it plays...

Hey Harry,

It's Mac-Dad here again. I managed to survive the Antius City Thieves Maze, and was rewarded greatly---an invite to a press screening for the Dungeons & Dragons movie this afternoon.

Now, I'm going to start by pointing out the obvious:

1)This movie is not going to win any Oscars.

2)Everyone (and I mean everyone) in the film overacts.

3)Some of the CGI shows that they only spent 35 million on the film.

Now, here's the goods:

1)Most of the CGI is spectacular (especially considering the budget). In fact, a lot of things about the trailers that pissed me off (ie.the Beholder), looked great in finished format on the big screen.

2)The overacting, while a little trying at first, really grows on you as you begin to accept the fact that everything about this movie is over-the-top. I especially liked Bruce Payne (it takes him a good five minutes to deliver 10 words!!!!)

3)Most of all, this is quite possibly the most fun I've had watching a movie in a while. It's nice to see a movie that knows well enough not to take itself too seriously.

As for the comments most the press around me were making about it being a Raiders/Episode 1/God Only Knows What rip-off, my rebuttal is: "If the press don't like it, it's probably good".

It was certainly entertaining.


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