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Linda Cardellini joins Millennium Films' political submarine thriller HUNTER KILLER!


Ahoy, squirts! Quint here. It does my geek brain good knowing Millennium is still out there generating goofy action flicks with impossibly good casts. In this era of blockbusters-or-nothing studio filmmaking Millennium is fighting the good fight for those mid-range pictures that have a big enough budget to show some over-the-top action and pay for big actors.

The latest movie up from the production outfit is called Hunter Killer and it's about a US submarine that travels into Russian waters to rescue the Russian president after a military coup. Gerard Butler will play the commander of the US sub, Gary Oldman will be the Russian President on the run and now, according to Deadline, Freaks & Geeks' Linda Cardellini will join the cast as an NSA analyst. Also in the cast are Billy Bob Thornton, Toby Stevens, Common, Gabriel Chavarria and Ryan McPartlin.

Yeah, that might be up my alley. Depends on how far into exploitation territory director Donovan Marsh goes.

-Eric Vespe
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