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The Behind the Scenes Pic of the Day: A great practical effect shot from the original GHOSTBUSTERS!

Ahoy, squirts! Quint here. I saw the new Ghostbusters last night. I've got some thoughts on it, which will be explored in a review very soon, but I figured time was nigh for a look back at the original film here at BtSPotD.

One of the things I love so much about the original film is how crazy they effects work was. They pulled every trick in the book, from forced perspective man-in-suit stuff with Mr. Staypuft to stop motion for the Terror Dogs to the gorgeous matte painting work of Matthew Yuricich and Michelle Moen.

Today we're going to look at a great BTS pic of Mr. Randy Cook touching up one of the full sized terror dogs. When you see these things moving (or running) in the movie it's mostly stop motion, which I bet Randy worked on, too, since that was his specialty. You remember those awesome little demon critters in The Gate? That was Randy. He later took his talents to New Zealand and spearheaded bringing Gollum to life for Peter Jackson.

This photo comes from Randy himself and is a beaut. Enjoy!



I'm taking my nephew to a particularly cool double feature tomorrow, so tomorrow's BTS pic will relate to one of those two films. I won't say what it is, but I will say it's a sci-fi classic. See ya' then.

-Eric Vespe
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