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New SUICIDE SQUAD spot says assemble your squad & get advance tickets now! Like they need to push...

Hey folks, Harry here...  You know, there's a great spirit that is coming through in these SUICIDE SQUAD trailers - and aren't you madly curious to see if that spirit goes past the spots and takes flight in the film.  Fingers crossed.  I can't wait.  I see GHOSTBUSTERS tomorrow, which had the opposite response with its trailers from this.  We know there's a lot of moving pieces to SUICIDE SQUAD and I'm dying to get word from some folks that have seen it.   To see if those pieces all work together.   They work brilliantly when set to amazing Rock and cut like a music video - but how about... as a film?  David Ayer's SABOTAGE was brutal and while quite good, there was something that didn't connect with audiences.  Ayer's FURY - I loved, but then I'm a huge fan of TANK films.   There's not nearly enough, but what there is of those movies, well, FURY joins them in kicking ass.   SUICIDE SQUAD is a whole new animal - and hearing that the studio wanted a tone shift from the darker tone Ayer originally hit...  well, how can I not wonder how it all comes together.   I want it to just floor us, but we'll have to see.   Here's the spot:


It isn't long till August 5th!

Keep it cool,


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