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Movie News

PACIFIC RIM 2 has a date with destiny!!! Bo-Jaeger here we come!!!!

Hey folks, Harry here...   So, on December 15th, 2017 we get to see John Boyega do whatever it is he's going to be doing in STAR WARS EPISODE VIII...  we all imagine that a certain Captain Phasma is working on capturing Finn.  That the New Order might send some sort of awesome force after him & Leia & Poe & team...  but just two months later and a week for good measure... upon February 23rd, 2018 - the BO-JAEGER himself, John Boyega will be starring in PACIFIC RIM 2!  

The title will be PACIFIC RIM: MAELSTROM - and be directed by Spartacus & Daredevil badass Steven S. DeKnight!!!   BRING IT!

Keep it cool,



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