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THE CONJURING 2's Creepy Nun is Going to Get her Own Spinoff!


Hey guys! Horrorella here...

If you haven't made it to the theater yet to check out James Wan's latest tale of terror, THE CONJURING 2, get on it immediately. The film is scary, fascinating, well-told and a great follow-up to its predecessor. And much like its predecessor one of its most terrifying characters is about to get their own spinoff.

The crazy-scary nun that makes several appearances throughout the film and will be giving moviegoers nightmares for the next month will be coming back in her own story. Like Annabelle before her, this character proved too terrifying to be relegated to just one film. David Leslie Johnson, who co-wrote THE CONJURING 2 with Wan, has been hired to pen a new story wherein this character will undoubtedly terrorize more unsuspecting people.

Interestingly, the nun almost didn't make an appearance in the film at all. The character was originally supposed to be a more traditional-looking horned demon, but in March, James Wan had a stroke of genius (or a horrific nightmare, I'm not sure which), and decided to do some reshoots and alterations to change the appearance into a demonic nun. The change resulted in some of the most tense and terrifying moments in the film.

Personally, I wasn't the biggest fan of the ANNABELLE film, but it is fun to see Wan spark these ideas and then pass them to newer directors to run with. I'll be curious to see who else joins the team in the coming months.

What do you guys think? Are you up for more demon nun?

(via THR)


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