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A Friday the 13th game is really coming, you guys!

Ahoy, squirts! Quint here. I know this is an older E3 reveal, but I wanted to make sure you guys saw the Friday the 13th gameplay footage released yesterday before diving into the more timely stuff.

I came of age in the late '80s, so Friday the 13th was naturally a big deal for me. It was the forbidden fruit of violence and nudity that, of course, all the kids found ways of seeing despite the blocking actions of our parents. That made these silly slashers somewhat dangerous. It wasn an act of rebellion to watch Jason hack up some horny teenagers.

This gameplay footage certainly captures the right tone and feel, but maybe I'm getting a little too old or maybe the actual act of playing Jason slaughtering whimpering young girls is a step too far for me, but something is personally unsettling about actually playing Jason in this one.

That's likely the point and I'm trying real hard not to be a prude here. The violence is super cartoony and of course I can separate real life from fiction, but still I was surprisingly affected by the concept of actually controlling Jason.



I dig the switching back and forth between Jason and hapless preppy, that's cool, but I have a feeling I might be more about trying to outsmart Jason than slamming 18 year old girls into rocks.

The game will be playable via Xbox One and PS4 marketplace as well as Steam.

-Eric Vespe
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