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Netflix's Stranger Things tickles all the right Amblin/Stephen King-y nostalgia centers!


Ahoy, squirts! Quint here. Don't you love it when something geek cool slips in under the radar? Netflix just dropped a bomb for '80s kids like me. Looking equal parts Stephen King and Steven Spielberg, this trailer tickled all the right nostalgia centers in my brain.

Thanks to the two Steves coming of age stories are some of my favorite subgenres. I don't have the self-analysis ability to figure out exactly why, but I suspect it's because a good coming of age story takes me immediately back to being awed at movies like Stand By Me or ET or Something Wicked This Way Comes or reading IT or The Talisman. That's the pop culture that shaped me as I am today, so it only makes sense that this particular subgenre still hooks me.

Now Stranger Things seems to fit neatly into that arena of pop culture. Like JJ Abrams' Super 8, this one could fall a little heavily on the mimickery side, but that's such a slight concern to me that it barely deserves mention.

I love the look, I love the set up and I love how all the kids involved aren't all Hollywood perfect children actors in appearance. These kids remind me a whole lot of the kinds of kids I hung out with in my youth.

Here's the trailer:



You bet your butt I'll be up late on July 14th getting ready for Netflix to unlock this one. If it's as good as I think it could be this'll be one I can't wait to share with my nephews, too.

-Eric Vespe
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