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Movie News

Rian Johnson's STAR WARS EPISODE 8 hits the Home Stretch!!!

Hey folks, Harry here... Rian Johnson announced that he's in the HOME STRETCH of principle photography on STAR WARS EPISODE 8 with the following Tweet and image:


I would post the Tweet, but apparently Twitter's Embed function is playing havoc with my site and causing all the writing beneath it to go away, so...  I got the image from Rian's Tumblr page... it's higher quality anyways.

Now looking at it you can easily tell this is the set up for the death of Luke Skywalker after Rey hands him his father's saber he lost on Cloud City along with that pesky pound of flesh.   Quite the spoiler to show the rig that'll drop his empty post-Jedi Seppuku robe to the ground with the boom to capture the sound.   

Keep it cool, 



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