Lena Luthor is Lex’s kid sister, introduced in 1961’s Superman’s Girl Friend Lois Lane #23. Lena was Kara’s best friend in the Supergirl: Cosmic Adventures in the Eighth Grade comic series, and turned up in two 1991 episodes of “Superboy” and the final season of “Smallville.” In “Supergirl” she’s said to move to National City to get out from under the shadow of her evil brother.
Snapper Carr, introduced in 1960’s The Brave and the Bold #28 (the same issue that introduced The Justice League of America), became the non-superhero teen mascot/honorary member to Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Martian Manhunter, Aquaman, Flash and Green Lantern in the Justice League of America print series. In “Supergirl” he’s a veteran journalist hired by Catco to shore up its news division.
“Supergirl” is also looking to cast lesbian police detective Maggie Sawyer, introduced in 1987’s Superman #4. The character eventually moved to Gotham City and became a component of the 2002-launched Gotham Central series (which helped inspire Fox’s “Gotham”). Sawyer, who recurred on “Superman: The Animated Series” and “Smallville,” will on “Supergirl” play the head of the newly-formed Science Police.
The show is also casting a female head of Project Cadmus, that project having been introduced in 1970’s Superman’s Pal Jimmy Olsen #133. In the comics Project Cadmus, a lab that likes to tinker with human genetics and cloning, is headed by girl genius Serling Roquette.
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