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Harvey Keitel has quite the WWII story to tell in this trailer for CHOSEN! Looks fantastic!

Hey folks, Harry here.  Just finished up the birthday festivitites for my one and only Baby Sister Satan!  Seems like only yesterday I put her in a Rabbit Fur Coat and tried to feed her to a Boa Constrictor as a boy.  Seeing LONE WOLF & CUB gave me a warped sense of raising children - besides, she was my evil sister then, not awesome like she is today.   

Anyways, while going through the email, I saw a link to a trailer for a movie called... CHOSEN, an Indie film that will be coming to VOD outlets August 2nd, and has Harvey Keitel telling the tale of his life in WWII to a younger man, possible a great grandson or grandson.  The story concerns the terrible things he had to do to keep even worse things from happening.  He was a Resistance Fighter during WWII fighting the Nazis.  The story is based on true affairs of history, but I love this kind of story - and while I love Bryan Singer's APT PUPIL, where you have a young man interviewing a scary Nazi in hiding played by Sir Ian McKellen...   it is delightfully refreshing to have a story about youth getting the story about not laying down as Fascism grips your country and the people around you.   Here's the trailer, check it out:


Pretty interesting eh?


Keep it cool,



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