We all know that it’s S.O.P. for studios to contractually lock their actors down from giving away story details in the months leading up to their big tentpole releases, but for some reason, maybe all the unhinged/anarchic characters he’s played over the years, when Mads Mikkelsen disregards that and does it anyway, it doesn’t seem like a huge surprise.
Sure enough, the former Hannibal Lecter may have dropped a huge reveal when he said this during an interview with SkyOne:
”I can say absolutely nothing about it. I can, but then I’d have to kill all your audience…Felicity’s playing this lovely, young, strong woman, and I play her…father. That was too much! Sorry!”
So, unless Mr. Mikkelsen is fucking with this woman, he’s playing father to Jyn Erso, Felicity Jones’ character. We don’t know enough about the structure of the film to determine whether that’s a spoiler or something that will be revealed in the first reel, but let’s treat it as a spoiler for now.
I don’t know how much Jones looks like Mikkelsen’s offspring, but with two actors this talented, we should only expect greatness from their relationship. There’s obviously some serious daddy shit going on in all the reaches of the SW saga, and we’ll have to wait and see how Jyn/Papa Erso rank up compared to Anakin/Luke, Han/Ben, and Rey/???.
Anyone else super-stoked to see Mads possibly laying some Papa Conan level wisdom upon our new, young rebel hero??
ROGUE ONE: A STAR WARS STORY may or may not be as gory as an episode of HANNIBAL on December 16th.