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Cronenberg on BASIC INSTINCT II comments

Hey folks, Harry here with some info suppliers from France.... Pat and The Ice Pick have chopped in with tiny bits heard from Cronenberg who is in France to do a retrospect and promote a book.... But of interest for all of us in the immediate sense is... his thoughts on BASIC INSTINCT 2.... why? First he feels the need to make a hit in the U.S., apparently the script was quality and had the requisite amount of perversity to appeal to him.... Right now there are two HORROR/SUSPENSE/WEIRD film directors making very POP films... Cronenberg with BASIC INSTINCT 2 and Guillermo Del Toro with BLADE 2. Both seem to have been attracted by scripts that they could transform into their 'type' of film... the sort of film they love to make and be passionate about. And in both cases I believe the work is about geniune passion for the material.... as they both get offered quite a bit of crap. Here's the word from France....

Hi Harry,

david cronenberg appeared live on french tv canal plus yesterday confirming he will indeed direct the sequel to basic instinct saying he had been attracted by the perversity of the script. He made comment on film he passed on like top gun or flashdance. .

PAT from france

And then there was this one....

hello harry, i live in paris and i saw david cronenberg on a french show called " nulle part ailleur" he explained to the man who did the interview why he will direct basic instict 2 .there are the reasons: the script is very good .(he said)

he wants to make a blockbuster but with substance ... he wants to dynamite an american blockbuster.

he wants to work with sharon stone. all this is true.he is in france to present some of his movies in a retrospective and to promote a book .

The Ice Pick

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