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Here's your first real look at Elliott from Pete's Dragon!

Ahoy, squirts! Quint here. David Lowery's Pete's Dragon remake has been looking mighty different from the original song and dance Disney live action/cartoon hybrid joint and that's not a bad thing. I mean, I'd still murder a hobo to see Robert Redford sing I Swear I Saw A Dragon, but I'm also glad that my childhood will remain unmolested by a weaker shot by shot reboot.

Case in point, the radically different title character. This is not your daddy's Elliott... And by your daddy, I guess I mean me because Pete's Dragon was the first thing I saw in a theater and goddamnit I'm old now. Are you happy?!?



EW got the debut (if you couldn't tell by the giant watermark). What do you guys think of the redesign?

-Eric Vespe
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