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Movie News

Latin-AICN: 100 Girls; THE CONVENT; Collateral Damage; VERA; Ratas,Ratones,Rateros; THIS IS THE LIFE; Amores Perros

Its time already for another Latin-AICN column so it must be Tuesday and I must be Father Geek introducing once again LOBO and Coffin Joe, but first I have a review of THE CONVENT a film by Mike Mendez that was sent in by Porkboy this afternoon...

This movie is a horror/comedy and I am going to stress the word COMEDY. This movie had parts that literally made me almost piss in my pants. This director did not stop at all when putting this movie together and you will see why when this hits the silver screen. Something that is really great about this movie is that its very fun to watch with a group of people, especially those that you enjoy spending time with (Luisa....You know your out there!!). The movie tends to make fun of itself and cheesy 80's flicks and is totally awesome to watch while being drunk.......or sober. For those that enjoy the "Evil Dead" trilogy, Re-Animator, Romeros Zombie movies, and various Demon movies, you will LOVE this movie!

The story starts 40 years ago with a chick in uniform bust into a church and start kicking the shit out of the nuns with a baseball bat. She then blows the nuns and priest away with her shotgun and torches them all with gasoline. That right there is fine movie making. My friend and I enjoyed that scene and were only prepared for what was to come later. The story then kicks back to present day in 2000 and we see a bunch of college kids head down to the abandoned church, The Convent, to paint their Faternity signs on the walls. Trouble comes when a bunch of devil worshippers make a human sacrifice to Lucifier and bring back the spirits of the evil nuns from 40 years back. Let me ask you guys a question, What do all demons do? They possess people and that is exactly what happens here! Your going to see some crazy shit happen in this movie with bitten off DICKS, gay devil worshippers, head decapitations, nuns getting fucked up in many ways, the antichrist being born, abortions, and NUNS, GUNS, and GASOLINE!!! People, they do not make movies like this anymore!!

This movie is for sure my pick as one of the best horror movies Ive seen in a while. With movies like Urban Legends, Scream, I Know...Summer, and the other bullshit teen slashers...Directors should learn from Mike Mendez. This man knew what he was doing and did a great job. The cast of this movie is pretty much unknown people with the exception of Coolio (rapper) as a Trigger-Happy cop, Bill Mosely as Coolio's partner (Chop-Top from TCM2, no need to explain), and Adrienne Barbeau as a nunkilling expert with the weapons to prove it (Maud).

Back to the story, this movie is a gorefest. The effects in this movie are cheesy but the director sure did what he wanted to do (i.e...Glow in the dark facepaint for the nuns). There are some awesome gore scenes as well with tearing intestines, a face being ripped off, and of course......DECAPITATIONS!!! As of right now, this movie is playing around independent festivals and getting rave reviews from everyone who has seen it, and I dont blame them. Anyone from the distributing buisness that is willing to bring a horror movie to the screens, GET THIS MOVIE!!!

Look! Im gonna say this one more time. This movie is as good as it gets for horror/gore fans out there. If your in the mood for a great movie experience with a bunch of friends then I suggest you see this movie. Also, this is a horror/comedy so dont get pissed if you think this is a straight horror movie and expect some extremely hilarious scenes that will make your laughs turn to urinations. Please sign the offical petition to bring this movie to theaters at Their Site and for those that would like to know about the film then visit the offical website by Clicking Here. Also, check the trailer for the movie by Just Clicking Here as well.

Stay tuned for an exclusive interview with Mike Mendez done by me and I will get tons of information about the film, his upcoming projects, and everything else you will like to know. Also, E-mail me if you would like me to ask him any specific questions and I will do as best as I can to get them answered for you in my interview news story being posted sometime next week. Make sure to sign the petition, tell friends and family about the movie, visit the offical Convent movie website and d/l the trailer, and stay supportive cuz this movie is totally awesome!!


Father Geek back again... just long enough to say, Here's LOBO...

LOBO y Cine Latino

Que paso !!! CineLocossssss amantes de las Movies, Peliculas y Peliculones, here I am one more time, me, LOBO su amigo y cuate with more cosas for you, let's go to Lo Bueno and don't forget to send me some bones, fresh meats or live prey to my cave , okay....


*** The Huelva Film festival (SPAIN) open this past Friday. One of the films in competition is "En un claroscuro de la luna" Directed by Sergio Ohlovich. The festival also includes a tribute to FEDERICO LUPPI and retrospective of Mexican films of the 90's ...

*** The Director Jaime H. Hermosillo will be honored at the Amiens International Film Festival (FRANCE) . The Festival also counts with a group of the most recent films from Mexico including "La ley de Herodes" (Herod's Law)...

*** The film "La perdición de los hombres" , the most recent film from Arturo Ripstein, was recently released this Friday in SPAIN. This film was shot in black and white in a digital format and has won several awards world wide including La Concha de Oro @ the San Sebastian Film Fest.

*** The other Film " Así es la vida" by Arturo Ripstein, also went to the big screen this Friday, and just like the one mentioned above this film was also shot in a digital format, for some unknown reason is initially being shown in only 6 theaters, this action caused many complaints from the cast and crew, they were complaining about the lack of help from IMCINE and how it was possible for a Ripstein's film to be more popular and better accepted in Europe than in his home country.

*** This Quickie is not that much of a rapidin since I have a little more to ad on this... There are some people from Hollywood that plan on going to Mexico and wish to meet VICENTE FOX (Mexico's next President) I just happen to mention that for those of you who didn't know and also because there is actually one Elected President on the continent, well enough with that election thing and now let me tell you that in the list of people who want this meeting to happen are Forest Whitaker, Robert Downey Jr. , Nicolas Cage, Wesley Snipes and Francis Ford Coppola. There might be more on the list, but I am not sure, so far I know that this group would like to talk to FOX and be present on December 1st (FOX greatest day and first as President), for this you might ask why?? well I ask my self the same question and I don't have an answer, but still it sounds interesting to hear this and think about what is in the minds of these Stars, also there is nothing confirmed at this time, so this can also be just a rumor or they may want to keep it Top Secret...

Bueno Cine-junkies it looks like MORRIS actually got his hands on more pictures from the film "In the Time of the Butterflies", so let's check them out...

*** There is DEMIAN BICHIR and SALMA....

A little bit more to ad on this topic is that one of the sisters " Dede Mirabal" who is in her 70's, actually went to visit the set and talked with Salma,the rest of the cast and crew to see how the film was doing and also to tell them her experience..I was going to say more about her but I don't want to spoil that's it..


Hey Lobo...I've enjoyed your work for some time now, and meant to write sooner, but you know how it is...

To clarify, I'm Ecuadorian, studying in Philly. I wanted to tell you (and if you could, pass it on to Harry) about an Ecuadorian flick released last year called "Ratas, Ratones, Rateros"(RODENTS), directed by 20-something Sebastian Cordero (who is actually a family friend, but that's got nothing to do with me writing this). The movie is fantastic, especially considering it is Cordero's first movie. It won several awards in International film Festivals last year, including a Best Actor nod for one of the main characters.

It's about two troubled youths, cousins, from two different cities in Ecuador who come together and get pulled into deeper and deeper sh*t as the story goes along.

Sadly the movie has recieved little press outside of Ecuador, and last year's economic crisis in the country even meant poor box office sales for it.

But I think the movie is definitely worth watching. If you can somehow get your hands on it, I'm sure you'll dig it.

Check out the website at This Spot for more info.

Thanks, Andres

*** For this particular film, let me tell you that I talked about it a couple of times in this column and for what I've heard from the Media and some friends I really want to see this film, so I will find a way to get my paws on it...

- Here are the results of the films running in Official competition at this year's Tokyo International Film Festival:

Tokyo Grand Prix: "Love's a Bitch"

Special Jury Prize: "Virgin Stripped Bare by Her Bachelors"

Best Director: Alejandro Gonzales Inarritu for "Love's a Bitch"

Best Screenplay: Stuart Blumberg for "Keeping the Faith"

Best Actress: Jennifer Jason Leigh for "The King is Alive"


This film is getting closer to be finished and now they have a site where you can get more information and get to see more pictures of the film and what's going on behind the camera..also you get to see more of VERA the android..So if you are interested in this one like Fathergeek was when he read this paragraph below , pay them a visit @

Archives; September 11-00

This film has a robot (android) called Vera, who comes to life in some of Mexico's Mayan caves and is about the robot meeting a Mayan old man who is dying. They share spiritual knowledge and experiences that help the old Mayan free his soul. In searching for their origins, Vera and the old man enter the realm of dream atmospheres, unreal, created from the mixture of live images and digital manipulations of textures and colors. Vera is the exploration of the frontier in which we touch our ancestral mythical past, with the technologies of the development of moving images. Is a trade of knowledge and experiences having as the goal living in Vera's memory all of what the old Mayan has to share. This Film was written and directed by Francisco Athie who also did "Fibra Optica" that got the Ariel award for best screenplay, and is a production between Mexico, Germany and United States. They had Puebla, Yucatan and Mexico City as the filming locations and this movie will be released on March in the year 2001.


That's right ARNOLD was on a Talkshow in Spanish ( "Cristina" ) , where he talked about "The 6th day", his work in the movie "Collateral Damage" which is filming in Mexico and the organizations Inner-city Games and the Special Olympics. He said that he is learning some Spanish now that he is spending some time down there and he also said that he likes La comida Mexicana. The interview that Cristina had with him was mostly in Spanish without translations and he was catching all of the questions , later in the show a Mariachi singer got there and started singing "Cielito Lindo" , ARNOLD was attacked by that dude because while he was singing he placed the microphone at ARNOLD'S mouth and I mean you should've seen his face he didn't know the song or what to do so he just moved his lips and tried to follow with the lyrics, also the Mariachi guy placed a Sombrero on Arnold's head and that was really funny looking. Later Cristina asked "Pedro" (Mariachi guy) to teach some more Spanish to Arnold and that's when he learned "CANIJO" ( 's a bitch), little bit after that they asked him how was work ? and he said " MUCHO TRABAJO, POCO DINERO ....CANIJO"..he also did some moves !! on Cristina by saying " MAMASITA ESTAS BIEN BUENA"....ESTAS MUY BONITA" and a lot more stuff, he didn't stayed for the whole show but he is cool and he speaks bueno español...So there you have it , the Last Action Hero knows more than just " HASTA LA VISTA BABY....."

Well Cinemaniacos, that's all I have for you this time, so I'll see you later..Nos Vemos...

Coffin Joe and BRASIL...

Hey Father Geek , Latin-AICN readers , Coffin Joe here once more to supply the latest in Brazilian film news . Let´s cut to the chase , shall we ? Here we go .

-As Lobo told you last week " Amores Perros " did win the Critics Award here at the São Paulo Film Festival and was one of the 12 movies selected by the audience that attended the festival ( by voting ) to run for the Bandeira Paulista award ( basically the main award of the festival ) . However " Amores Perros " didn´t get the Bandeira Paulista award , which was shared by three movies ( first time ever that this happened ) : " Capitães de Abril "( Portugal ) directed by Maria de Medeiros , " Billy Elliot "( England ) directed by Stephen Daldry and " A Time for Drunken Horses " ( Iran ) directed by Bahman Ghobadi .

-Veteran filmmaker Ugo Giorgetti ( " Boleiros " , " Sábado " ) has a new documentary called " Uma Outra Cidade " ( *Some Other City ) about my city , São Paulo , in particular the cultural scene that was around back in the sixties over here . In order to achieve that , Giorgetti called five poets who were a part of that cultural movement : Robert Piva , Jorge Mautner , Antônio Fernando de Franceschi , Rodrigo de Haro e Cláudio Willer . The whole thing cost 280.000 reais ( about 140.000 dollars ) and it had its premiere on the Cultura TV network this last Saturday . No word on a theatrical release yet .

-There´s a movie out here in Brazil called " 100 Girls " which hasn´t opened in U.S. yet ( just in case anyone cares ) . There´s that crazy fella from " Detroit Rock City " ( the kooky screamin´dude who tries to rob the convenience store at the same time another moron is robbing the place ) in the movie and he pretty much is the only one who tries to put an effort into this routine teen comedy . Yeah the chicks are fine , the actor who plays the main character has charisma ( the dorky , dopey type of charisma ) , but this is just too familiar . Been there , done that .

That´s all for me , Coffin Joe is gone baby .

Coffin Joe says : bye .

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