Hey folks, Harry here.... and somewhere... this very instant, Dorothy Parker's heart is skipping like a well hurled flat rock across the calm smooth waters of low tide. I've been a William S Burroughs nutcase since I read NAKED LUNCH in High School... since then, I've come to read a great many of his books, poems, his letters and anything else that had his name upon it. Burroughs is... unique. And his QUEER is fantastic... an auto-biographical (to a degree) pursuit of a young male that didn't return his affections is one of his best reads... right there with JUNKY, but I'm still such the NAKED LUNCH junky. HOWEVER, I must say... the concept of Steve Buscemi directing Queer (and God willing, Starring) is just fantastic. TREES LOUNGE was grossly overlooked and under-appreciated when it came out... and I was beginning to worry that Buscemi was going to disappear into mainstream film... BUT THANK GOD... THE WEIRD IN HIM LIVES!!!! Ms Parker... smile, this is a project to keep that heart beating doll!

I was delighted to be able to see Steve Buscemi at a screening of is intense
new film, 'Animal Factory' here in Upstate New York. Afterwards he gave a
question and answer session. He said that he would be directing a film
version of William Burroughs great book 'Queer', not an easy project to get
made he said. Also, he is directing an upcoming episode of 'the Sopranos',
sounds like he's a full on director now. Buscemi was wonderful in person,
very laid back and down to earth....humble about his success. he had to leave
in time to catch a train back to NYC, no limos for him. Anyways, if you like,
call me Starlover
Read the excellent interview with Steve Buscemi over at Salon.com and this link to read it!!! Wonderful interview!!!