Ahoy, squirts! Quint here. I like my horror with extra Bacon. See what I did there? Bacon? Because his name is Kevin Bacon? Ugh, yeah, that was terrible. I'm so sorry.
But for real, when Kevin Bacon is in your horror or thriller things are always just a little bit better. Stir of Echoes, Tremors, Friday the 13th, Flatliners... it's been a while since he went full on horror, so it's about time for The Darkness.
The trailer just hit the net. Let's take a look!
My takeaway from the trailer is that the wolf jump scare looks practical and pretty neat. The Native American ghosts don't seem all that threatening (watch out or they'll put their dirty handprints on you!), but I dig the tone and am always down for some original, well-shot spooky stories.
I'm in. What about you?
-Eric Vespe
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