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"Do you have any power converters?" Mark Hamill geeks out in the new Star Wars: Force For Change Omaze Video!

Ahoy, squirts! Quint here. Since filming began the cast and crew of Star Wars: The Force Awakens has been knocking these charity videos out of the park. With millions raised before the film has even been released you'd think they'd slow down on the charity stuff. Not so much. First we saw Harrison Ford surprise fans with the announcement that you could win tickets to the premiere by donating to Star Wars' Force For Change charity through Omaze and now Mark Hamill decided to have some fun, too.

Fun is the key word. Everybody seems to be having a blast here. It could be actors acting and fulfilling a contractual obligation, but I choose to lean more on the optimistic side and view this as everybody teaming up for a good cause because it's the right thing to do. The side effect is that the whole cast seems to be coming alive and making me excited to see that energy in the film itself.

Hamill donned a First Order Stormtrooper outfit and took to Hollywood Blvd to inform people of the charity donation/chance to win tickets to the premiere. In doing so he faced down a Jedi, caught up with his pops and possibly finally found him some power converters.

Check it out:



Donate $10 and you could be the lucky sumbitch that wins. I might have to give it a shot since just about everybody I know in LA got an invite to the premiere while I sit here in Austin feeling all sad and alone. This is my only shot! But it's not impossible. I used to bullseye premiere tickets in my T-16 back home...

-Eric Vespe
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