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Adam Wingard's DEATH NOTE adaptation adds a new cast member!


Ahoy, squirts! Quint here. Death Note has such a simple, interesting genre set-up that it's no surprise we're finally getting a US live action film. It's been in the works for years. You may remember Shane Black was attached for a good long while. It looks like Adam Wingard will be the one to actually get this rolling, though.

He's already cast Paper Towns' Nat Wolff as the male lead and now it looks like he's closing in on his female lead, which is young up and comer Margaret Qualley (per THR), who turns in great work in HBO's The Leftovers.

The story is about a teenager who is essentially handed the power of God in the form of a notebook which allows him to kill any person whose face he knows by simply writing their name in it. This supernatural book is a plaything of Ryuk, the creature above, who is kind of a bored Loki-like mischievous being.

This story has seen life as a very popular Japanese Manga and has been adapted for film and TV in Japan. An animated show has proven popular here in America, but this'll be the first really high profile English language live-action feature.

Adam Wingard has turned in great work with You're Next and The Guest. This'll be a huge jump for him and I'm very excited to see how it turns out. You?

-Eric Vespe
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